CILSERUM™ : Eyelash Enhancing Growth Serum




Are you tired of wearing false eyelashes or wasting money with eyelash extensions or eye lash enhancers with no results?

CILSERUM™ works by activating the dormant hair follicle germ tissue, then promoting rapid growth of eyelashes. The eyelashes will get longer, thicker and fuller within 20 days of using the product, but results can be seen as soon as 7 days after commencing the treatment. 

CILSERUM™ can be used even on thinning and almost nonexistent eyebrows to make them fuller, darker and in general, more beautiful. 

CILSERUM™ works in two ways. Whilst increasing the length, darkness and thickness of the eyelashes, it strengthens the epidermal junction (where the lash grows out of the eyelid), thus preventing the newly grown eyelashes from falling out. 

How to use :

The Eyelash Enhancing Growth Serum is easy to use and convenient to carry.

  • Remove all makeup around your eyes before using the Eyelash Enhancing Growth Serum.
  • Apply it in the same way as using eyeliner.
  • Additionally,it’s better to use it before go to bed if you expect to achieve the double effect.

Independent studies have shown 98.3% success rate, with the average growth of the eyelashes being 56%. 


  • Affordable, no fragrance, non-chemical, non-toxic, non-irritating, non-animal testing, 100% natural ( safe and healthy).
  • An intensive overnight lash conditioning treatment
  • Potent blend of nourishing peptides, vitamins & botanicals
  • Lavishly replenishes & hydrates each strand of lashes
  • Naturally strengthens your lashes from external factors
  • Makes even stubby, fragile, barely-visible lashes longer & fuller in 6 weeks
  • Can be worn on both your eyelashes & eyebrows, fills up bold spaces.
  • Making the lashes thicker, bolder, and healthier.
  • Hypoallergenic 
  • Non-irritating